Sílíkon blandað sleipiefni 1000ml

7,900.00 kr.


EasyGlide sílikon smurefni. Tilvalið fyrir nudd. Öfugt við vatnsbundin smurefni þorna þessi smurefni ekki fljótt. Grunnurinn að áhyggjulausu og tilfinningalegu andrúmslofti er traust til maka –  Fyrir áhyggjulausar samfarir er ráðlegt að hafa á hreinu eftirfarandi atriðum við kaup: CE-merkið, sem í samræmi við lyfjalög auðkennir löglega vöru sem hentar kynfærum. Auðkennismerkið „samhæft við latex smokk“ sem tryggir samhæfni vörunnar við smokka.  Með EasyGlide bjóðum við upp á þýska gæðavöru sem uppfyllir þessi þrjú skilyrði og tryggir þér fjölbreytt úrval af vörum fyrir þínar þarfir og óskir.

EasyGlide Silicone Lubricant

EasyGlide Silicone Lubricant.

Ideal for massages. In contrast to water based lubricants, silicon lubricants do not dry out quickly.

The basis for a carefree and sensual atmosphere is trust in the partner – just as essential is the confidence in all products that are linked to lovemaking and that come into contact with the genital area. For concern free intercourse, it is advisable to be pay attention to the following points at the time of purchase:

The CE Mark, which in accordance with the Medical Products Act identifies a legal medical product that is suitable for the genital area.
The identification mark “latex condom compatible”, which guarantees the compatibility of the product with condoms.
A detailed description.

With EasyGlide, we offer a German quality product that complies with these three criteria and assures you with our wide variety of products for your individual needs and preferences.

Silicon lubricants are not compatible with sextoys.

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Sílíkon blandað sleipiefni 1000ml

7,900.00 kr.